We recently connected with Andrea Andree and have shared our conversation below.
Andrea, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Often the greatest growth and the biggest wins come right after a defeat. Other times the failure serves as a lesson that’s helpful later in your journey. We’d appreciate if you could open up about a time you’ve failed.
After a radio interview in September 2022, a marketing agency from New York reached out and offered to promote me for high dollar speaking and guest coaching opportunities. I’d been planning to leave my corporate job when my business was financially sustainable, and this sounded like my ticket out. As I do with every big decision, I consulted my intuition and received a “yes” for taking this opportunity. I paid this company multi 5 figures to create materials they would use to market me, and quit my job.
Fast forward about six months. I hadn’t received a single opportunity. Through a grapevine connection, I learned this entire thing was actually a scam that’s been 10+ years in the running.
I was stunned and incredibly hurt. Like I do with all “failures,” though, I knew there was a higher purpose for this. I consulted with my intuition to understand the lesson, heal the underlying fears this brought up, and move forward with even more resolve than before to be successful despite this sorry group of individuals.
Andrea, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I didn’t start with wanting to be a coach. I have two engineering degrees and used to be a corporate project manager in the insurance industry. Then, I became a mom and everything changed.
The first thing was realizing how incredibly reactive I was to this tiny child. I’d envisioned myself as a loving, compassionate mom. I had moments of that; but I’d also blow up when they did something so tiny. I wanted to learn more about why I did that and how to fix it.
The second thing was a growing discomfort at my corporate job. There was this voice inside me telling me “if you stay on this corporate path, you won’t be living up to your fullest potential.” That was a big voice, so I did what most people do: ignore it, blame the job for my unhappiness, get a new one, and have another baby.
Those distractions worked for a while… until they didn’t. A few months back after maternity leave from my son, the discomfort came back even stronger. I read a book that changed everything for me (A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle). After reading that book, I was convinced that, if I did my Soul’s work, I’d be fully supported and resourced for it. I had no reason to believe that except that what I’d done up to that point had gotten me nothing but unhappiness, so I was willing to experiment. I looked into my metaphorical crystal ball and asked myself: do I want to keep doing what I’m doing – trading my time for money to do things that don’t light me up, until I hopefully had enough money and health to retire? Or go down the unknown path and do who knows what? For the first time, the unknown felt less scary so I resolved to “figure out what my Soul is here to do.”
Fast forward. I now support working moms in the same position I was in: unhappy with their current job decisions and wanting to explore something new. Some of them also have the goal of better connecting with their kids.
Spirituality and energy plays a big role in how I approach this with my clients. I don’t believe in giving them a checklist and having them choose what sounds best from a list of job descriptions. I get them out of their head into their heart so they can make decisions from their Soul.
The first thing I do is help them repair their energy leaks. I’ve learned that so many women are defining their value, worth, and identity from their job. I help them detangle from the job and turn inward, defining themselves and owning their inherent value and worth.
Next we work on an abundance and money mindset. We are all designed to be abundant, including with money, when we do our Soul’s work. Yet that goes against society’s traditional rules, so we have work to do to shift their beliefs to knowing they can be supported in whatever they choose.
I help my clients understand their intuition, so they know how to distinguish what is guidance on their next steps versus what is simply fear.
I help my clients understand their Soul’s unique skills and talents, because when we give from that place is when we feel true fulfillment.
And finally, I help my clients tune into the mindset and emotions that will help them create the life they want to experience. Everything in our life – jobs, relationships, financial situations – are simply matching the energy we give off. Since they want elevated life experiences, they need to elevate their energy.
This approach is totally unique to me and my experience, and won’t be found in a coaching manual anywhere.
I am most proud that I’ve overcome my fear in talking about my work publicly. Remember – I had engineering degrees. I was practical! And suddenly I had a feeling to talk about my spiritual awakening. I started with a private blog, which eventually gave me the courage to step out in a bigger way. Now I am a nearly open book, as I know when I share, it helps others feel less alone on this crazy journey we’re all on.
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
I let myself start messy. I hadn’t studied social media marketing at this time; I just shared what I wanted to share. At first it was upcoming classes, or little ideas I had. I tiptoed around the “spiritual” part for a long time, not making references to that, afraid that would scare people away. I eventually learned that the more honest I was, the more I’d attract an audience that fit what I love talking about.
Now my approach matches what I have heard called “lighthouse marketing.” Instead of sharing what I think others want to hear, I share what I want to talk about. Those that are attracted to what I share are a match to what I offer.
I also started with a Facebook group, then abandoned that for LinkedIn and eventually Instagram. I learned I can grow on any platform. What was more important than “where” was showing up consistently and being somewhere I enjoyed.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
For me, it’s been consistent social media sharing. I post nearly every day on LinkedIn and Instagram. (Though of the two, I get more comments from LinkedIn.) Being consistent helps me showcase various avenues of my expertise and show up at the top of the feed.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://andreaandree.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momsgonequantum/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-andree-5338248/
Image Credits
Melissa Winters, Miriam Bulcher