We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Amy Chapman a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Amy, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s start with what makes profitability in your industry a challenge – what would you say is the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge in profitability for my industry is the fact that my industry is mostly a luxury. Can you survive without a bowl cozy or fancy potholder? Yes, you absolutely can. However, I strive to make my products affordable so that you do not have to. Consumers should be able to afford the things that make their every day life just a little more convenient and I take pride in the fact that I am making that possible, one bowl cozy at a time.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
At Sewuseful Studios, I create handmade useful products that make everyday living just a little easier. Whether its a cozy for those hot bowls, or a handle cover for your cast iron skillet, I can make it all! I worked public and private sector jobs for several years but I have always had a passion for handmade crafting. At first my craft was focused on knick knacks, however, at craft fairs I continued to get asked the same question “What does this do?” It was at that moment that my focus changed. I realized I can still create handmade items that my customers will love, but also will do something for my customers.
We’d really appreciate if you could talk to us about how you figured out the manufacturing process.
At the beginning, I knew how to sew and I had a sewing machine, but it was very limited. I was actually at craft fair selling different items (fuzzy flower arrangements) and not doing very well. I made friends with the vendor next to me who was selling handmade food items along with bowl cozies. I had never seen a bowl cozy before, and during out chat she had informed me that she was getting out of selling the bowl cozy, and showed me how to make them. After the fair, I immediately packed up, went home, and before I even unloaded my car I tried sewing my first bowl cozy. I then placed it in the microwave and it caught fire – udder fail.
I sewed another and tried again, with the same results. I then reached out to the vendor to let her know everyone of my attempts resulted in failure. The solution was simple – Fabric in the microwave needs moisture, a bowl or plate, even without food, allows the fabric to retain moisture so it does not burn. I research and test every product and I have learned more now about micro waves and cotton fabric than they will ever teach you in even the most advanced sewing classes.
We’d love to hear the story of how you turned a side-hustle into a something much bigger.
I turned my business into a full time career in 2019. At the time I was tired of fitting into the traditional 8-5 job. I was tired of sitting in traffic driving to a job that was not my passion. I was tired of working for someone else. I threw myself into my business. To get ready to make the switch, I really beefed up all my online listings, I took so many picture of my products and started uploading all I could to my online platforms. In 2020 I focused my attention on packaging, and branding all my products. While it is still a work in progress my business has already outgrown even a 10X10 standard space for vendor markets.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.sewusefulstudios.com
- Instagram: sewusefulstudios
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/sewusefulstudios