We were lucky to catch up with Alyssa Hawn recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alyssa, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Risking taking is a huge part of most people’s story but too often society overlooks those risks and only focuses on where you are today. Can you talk to us about a risk you’ve taken – it could be a big risk or a small one – but walk us through the backstory.
In early 2022, I decided to come out publicly as an intuitive healer. This was very scary for me. I channel messages from Source, and I’m gifted at reading other peoples’ energy and facilitating healing. For a long time, I believed that if I shared this publicly, people would think I was a lunatic. I worried so much about facing judgment and rejection from others.
I come from a background of left-brain, hyper-rational thinkers. I went to college prep school and The Johns Hopkins University for undergrad, so I was constantly surrounded by future doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, corporate businessmen, etc. I was conditioned to think and act logically about almost everything, even though this was difficult for me. I often pretended to understand and agree with what everyone was talking about. I spent so much time studying topics that would make others proud of me, and not what I was actually interested in.
Stepping through the fear and sharing my intuitive gifts has had a huge payoff. A good number of people from my life ended up embracing and supporting what I do. Although a few old relationships have faded away, being true to myself has led to new, more aligned relationships. I am now doing work I love and am able to support myself and the healing of the world. I’ve learned that being authentic brings much more happiness and prosperity than trying to fit in. I have a lot less fear around rejection and judgment now.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer and Human Design Reader, helping people to release their limiting beliefs, embrace their authenticity, and manifest their dreams. I also help people understand what makes them special, and provide guidance for how they can live in greater alignment with their unique energy.
I got into this work after experiencing my rock bottom in 2020, when I found myself in a marriage, job, and home that weren’t right for me. I suffered from multiple chronic illnesses that left me debilitated and miserable. I felt powerless. On top of everything, I was also a brand new mom, consumed by guilt and exhaustion. After praying for answers, I started getting hints from the Universe to change direction. I became a certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I discovered that health and well-being are not just about diet and exercise, but about everything in your life, including spirituality, environment, relationships, finances, the beliefs that you hold, etc.
As I started health coaching, I began following my intuition and leaned into two modalities, ThetaHealing® and Human Design, which help people decondition from their limiting beliefs and live more authentically.
ThetaHealing is an energy healing modality that uses deep meditation to uncover and remove the limiting beliefs preventing you from being your best self. I use my intuitive gifts and direct connection to Source (the loving Creator that designed you) to uncover these limiting beliefs, their origin point, and the learning lessons. I then witness the installation of new positive beliefs, virtues, and energies so that you can live a happier, more empowered life.
Human Design sheds light on your unique energetic, psychological, and emotional makeup, and provides very specific ways to lean into your gifts and decondition from what society has taught you is the “correct” way to think and behave. I am able to read and interpret your complex chart and offer personalized strategies to help you embrace your inherent talents and step into your highest potential.
From incorporating these modalities and holistic approaches into my own life, I have created a life in a world that I love. I love helping others do the same and want this for everyone.
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
I was a part-time marketing professional and mom, in the middle of getting my Health Coaching Certification, when I started health coaching as a side-gig. My first client was able to reverse her Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease within 3 months of working together, and that was a huge success for both of us. It helped me attract new clients, and I was able to help them reverse conditions like PMS, allergies, and IBS.
When I took the leap to make Health Coaching a full-time career, it felt like something was missing in my practice. My clients were under tremendous stress, and I felt like the coping methods and nutrition methods I offered weren’t fully dealing with their emotional issues. Learning ThetaHealing and Human Design was a tremendous help, these were tools that helped me get to the root of their problems.
Over time, I put so much energy into these other modalities and building my intuition that now most of my business is in energy healing. A lot of people I work with are already supported in nutrition and lifestyle medicine by other holistic professionals like chiropractors and naturopaths. What I offer is something they can’t provide, so I actually get quite a few referrals from other practitioners.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
I’ve had to unlearn that my possibilities are limited. For most of my life, I settled for mediocre jobs, relationships, and living situations, just because I didn’t think I would find anything better. I also felt like I wasn’t worthy of anything better.
While learning ThetaHealing, I discovered the power of belief and how energy arranges itself to match our belief systems. Change your beliefs, change your life. This has fueled me to becoming very adept at belief work so that I can help myself and others manifest our dreams.
I’ve manifested so many specific things these last few years (including a 3-bedroom home on 6 acres, an organic vegetable farmer as a partner, an office with picture windows looking out into nature), that I am more certain than ever that it is possible to have any and all of your soul’s desires.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://alyssahawn.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alyssahawnhealth/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alyssahawnhealth/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alyssa-hawn/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8ZJ-3ZCCmQJGQq2XDIYAw
Image Credits
Caren Libby