We were lucky to catch up with Alyssa Flores recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alyssa, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?
I graduated with my Masters in Speech-Language Pathology nearly 6 years ago and was really enjoying serving the children that made up our community in their homes and at schools! At the same time, I began bodybuilding while in college with my first show November 2017. I was so in awe of the process and dedication that was needed to succeed on the stage, that it made me want to be better; provide MORE for my community. I opened my virtual coaching business- Dumbbells N Doughnuts- 1/1/2020 with the mission of serving women in the fitness community. All of my life I had been told: *eat less to lose weight *do more cardio to lose fat *you need to weigh under 120lbs in order to be “healthy”… I knew this couldn’t be best for women and our mental health! Our mission with our 11 coaches is to EMPOWER women. We want to help women find balance, keep hormones in check, reach their goals. While getting this business going over the last nearly 3 years, I was able to hire AMAZING women as associate coaches who also believe in our mission, I was able to “retire” from speech therapy, and I was able to coach FULL TIME from home… but something was missing from my life! IT WAS THE CHILDREN! I was missing helping the little ones learn their speech sounds, learn turn taking, learn how to follow directions… So I also started a second business- Children’s Voice Therapy- as a way to still work with the little ones, give back to the community, and continue to serve the people I love! Once again, my mission is unwavering… I love EMPOWERING others! When I can help a child learn how to use their voice, it empowers them to communicate for themselves!
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Dumbbells N Doughnuts- a virtual coaching team where our 11 coaches are excited to help women and men reach their goals! Coaches have experience in: bodybuilding, fat loss, muscle gain, races, strength, pregnancy, postpartum, PCOS, endometriosis, plant-based, etc. We are in the business of long term success with our clients as a team!
Children’s Voice Therapy- a virtual speech therapy service, serving children ages 18months-18years. Experience in: articulation, language, social skills, swallowing skills. Our goal is to help EVERY child have their voice heard!
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
My biggest piece of advice for building your audience on social media WHO ACTUALLY care about the service you’re providing is: Be yourself! Be unapologetically, genuinely YOURSELF!
Make sure you talk with your audience not AT your audience. There’s no need to try to be “perfect” or to try to create a fake persona… because then once they sign on for your service, they’re going to realize you’re not who you say you are. So be you! The people you want for your service WILL FIND YOU and they will LOVE YOU!
Where do you think you get most of your clients from?
If your current clients love what you’re doing and love how they’re benefiting from your service… they’re going to tell the ones they love to come try your service out too!!
Word of mouth clients typically don’t need you to “sell” them on your service because their best friend, or sister, or whoever told them about the service has already done that for you!
Contact Info:
- Website: Dumbbellsndoughnuts.com
- Instagram: Dumbbells_n_doughnuts
- Other: Children’s Voice Therapy Email: AlyssaMFloresSLP@gmail.com Children’s Voice Therapy IG: Childrens_Voice_Therapy
Image Credits
@dayafterstage (posing shot & OCB pro shots)