We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Alyssa Arredondo. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Alyssa below.
Hi Alyssa, thanks for joining us today. Coming up with the idea is so exciting, but then comes the hard part – executing. Too often the media ignores the execution part and goes from idea to success, skipping over the nitty, gritty details of executing in the early days. We think that’s a disservice both to the entrepreneurs who built something amazing as well as the public who isn’t getting a realistic picture of what it takes to succeed. So, we’d really appreciate if you could open up about your execution story – how did you go from idea to execution?
Once I had the idea to sell lashes my very first move was trying to find a vendor that had good quality lashes and in styles that I liked. I went through quite a few trial and errors until I finally found a vendor I was happy with. After that was trying to come up with a name, then finding the right website host, color scheme, logo, basically branding my business. My last steps were making sure I was doing everything the “right” way from a legal standpoint. I made sure to register my businesses as a DBA, get a separate checking account just for the business (I didn’t want to intermingle my personal vs business finances), and obtain a tax ID so that the IRS doesn’t try to come for me! Haha
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I’ve been in business for about two years now and I can say I’m most proud of the press on nails I’ve been making so far. My business has expanded past just selling lashes and I’ve found that creating press on nails for customers has brought me a lot of joy and fulfills the creative hunger that I have.
How did you put together the initial capital you needed to start your business?
All of my business expenses thus far have come from my own personal finances. Luckily when I was young my parents instilled a “save, save, save” mindset so I’m blessed that I was able to fund my own start up costs without taking out a loan.
How did you build your audience on social media?
I would say it’s about consistency and following trends especially when making TikTok’s or reels. When you see a similar style of post all over social media it’s best to try and make your own version in a way that relates to your business. I’ve found that doing that has brought my business more recognition than simply just posting what I think looks good.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.alysstlashes.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/alysst_lashes
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/alysst.lashes