We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Althea Willis. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Althea below.
Alright, Althea thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. So, let’s imagine that you were advising someone who wanted to start something similar to you and they asked you what you would do differently in the startup-process knowing what you know now. How would you respond?
We all know it is easier said than done when someone says, “Hey! I want to write a book.” Well, I am one of those few people who said it and actually did it. After publishing my first book and becoming a self-published author in the writing industry, I already knew that there were things that I still needed to learn along the way. If I were to start over today, knowing everything that I know now, I would’ve taken writing more seriously a long time ago. Writing a book is very time consuming and it takes a lot of patience, especially the process alone, but most importantly, I had to be patient with myself. I am just happy I made it happen!
I would like to add: My advice to anyone writing a book is to start now. Start writing and do your own research on how to publish your book. Everything else will follow once you finish writing your manuscript. Don’t give up! Because at the end it will all be worth it, every single page!
Althea, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is Althea Willis, and I am originally from Stamford, Connecticut but currently reside in Maryland. I am a self-published author and writer of my debut novel Saving Karmen. I have always had a passion for writing stories and screenplays since I was young. In 2020, I started doing my research on self-publishing and was introduced to a self-publishing company that helped me in the process. On June 25, 2022, I introduced my first book to the world at my book launch event which was a huge success and accomplishment for me.
My book is an urban fiction novel based on mental health. It focuses on the life of a shy and introverted teenager named Karmen Brown who has been diagnosed with a bipolar and multiple personality disorder. She struggles to deal with her overprotective mother, friendships, bullying, and learning how to face her alter ego who is set to take over her life and spice things up. Not only does this story focuses on Karmen’s life but this book is from a point of view with other relatable characters who also have their own story to tell. All the characters in my book are connected in some way and will have you wondering what will happen next.
What sets me apart from others is my purpose in writing. Writing is not just a hobby for me, I write my stories with meaning. I love that I can give my readers a moment to reflect and use their imaginative minds to explore the minds and reality of some of the characters throughout my book. I am most proud of myself for getting this far. Before becoming an author, I self-doubted myself because I didn’t know anything about writing a book. All I had was a draft. However, with the support from my family and friends, they helped me realize that the talent I have can someday help inspire other writers who felt the same way I did and hopefully they can get their work out there too! I turned my self-doubt into self-confidence and got to work! It really means a lot when my readers tell me how good my novel is and how much they would like to see it turned into a movie, which is the end goal for me!
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
What drives me on my creative journey is the imaginary mind, the realness, the passion I have for writing and bringing my characters to life. When I first held my book in my hands, I was so shocked. I couldn’t believe I wrote and published a whole book. I was holding all my hard work in my hands, and no one could ever take that away from me. I want other aspiring writers and authors to know that it is possible. If it’s something you’re passionate about whether it is big or small, go for it! My motto is, “Don’t waste time thinking about what you like to do, use that time to do what you love to do.”
Do you think there is something that non-creatives might struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can shed some light?
I think most non-creatives struggle to understand that writing a book is a process. You cannot rush good work, simple as that. As much as we would like to release the next book right away, it doesn’t always work that way, unless it was already pre-written and edited beforehand. This goes back to when I said writing a book is time consuming and it takes a lot of patience because the process is not as easy as it may seem. As a creative writer, I had to push through my self-doubts, I had to push through the what ifs, and I had to push through my fears. I had to own it and be proud that I pushed through it all because as many times that I wanted to give up, I never did. Non-creatives may also struggle to understand because they may not be in your shoes. They don’t know your journey unless they experience it themselves.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.Authoraltheawillis.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoraltheawillis/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAltheaWillis
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorAWillis
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Authoraltheawillis
Image Credits
Kevin Scrimgeour