We were lucky to catch up with Alexis Voss recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alexis, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to hear about a project that you’ve worked on that’s meant a lot to you.
Thank you for having me back! Two years ago, I was sitting in my kitchen reading Heart Talk by Cleo Wade. It inspired me to create what I ended up calling the “Cleo Collection”. I created 20 or so drawings of Women along with quotes from the book. This was one of the most meaningful projects I have done, simply because of how much I admire Cleo. Not only as a creative, but as a mother, woman and activist. When I originally started creating the collection, I considered selling them along with all my other artwork, but this one just felt different. I ended up shooting my shot and sending Cleo an email telling her about the collection. About a month later, I got an email right before bed from Cleo Wade herself (the scream I scrumpt..) She offered to buy the entire collection, I couldn’t believe it! I told her how appreciative I was and continued to explain that I just wanted to give it to her as a gift. A little back story: in 2018 an acquaintance from social media reached out to me and asked if she could send me a book. A week later, Heart Talk appeared at my doorstep. To say it completely changed my outlook on life, would be an understatement. That acquaintance ended up turning into a really beautiful friendship – Sayd, I truly can’t thank you enough for bringing this book into my life at the time you did. My friend, Mercedes Wallace, is also the author of the book ‘One Without The Other’ which is a compelling exploration of the complex emotions tied to love, loss, and self-discovery. Go grab a copy! SO – since Cleo quite literally changed my life, gifting her this collection was the least I could do. I boxed it up, shipped it to her & it’s now it resides in her home. I am forever grateful for that experience and full circle moment. I will cherish it forever.
p.s shoot your shot
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
Drawing has always fed my soul. As I got older, I started to use drawing as a form of therapy. After experimenting with different styles I decided to combine my passion for women’s rights & racial equality and started drawing women of all colors. In 2020, I felt brave enough to post a drawing on my Instagram story, and to my surprise, people were interested in buying it. Since then, I’ve created and sold hundreds of drawings that now occupy homes, studios, salons, and offices. This past year, I’ve made my artwork wearable by creating custom crewnecks that I sell on Etsy. I think what sets me apart from others is my style of drawing. I have a very specific way that I draw my Women, and while some have tried to get me to change my style, I have remained confident in what I choose to create. I am proud of myself for setting strict boundaries around my creations and sticking to the style that I love and enjoy.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
My happiness.
Four years ago I started drawing again as a way to improve my mental health. I draw to release and nourish my inner child. I create art that makes me happy. Simple as that. My mission with being a creative is to not only bring myself joy, but to add that joy into the homes and spaces of other people. As long as drawing, painting and creating clothes makes me happy, I will continue with this journey. My mission is & has always been to be inclusive & make everyone feel seen.
What can society do to ensure an environment that’s helpful to artists and creatives?
Share. Share. Share. Whether it be sharing a post, sending someone you know their page or artwork, or by word of mouth. SHARE IT! Most of my clients have been strangers who heard about my artwork, or saw it from someone else. If you can’t support a creative by buying their work, just remember it costs $0.00 to share it. Kind words of encouragement are also always welcome. If you love something they create, let them know. It keeps us going.
Contact Info:
- Website: artwork: https://alexismvoss.blogspot.com apparel: https://www.etsy.com/shop/alexisvosscreations?load_webview=1&bid=7CYD5DaH_UWocyWoPK4LTsvbmhG2
- Instagram: alexismvoss & alexisvosscreations
Image Credits
Whimsically Wild Photography @Whimsicallywildphoto