We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Aaron Knipp. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Aaron below.
Aaron, appreciate you joining us today. Can you talk to us about a risk you’ve taken – walk us through the story?
Most people within the company already know this but I was in finance for years. I had my MBA by 22, I was a partner at my firm at 27 and by every standard in typical society was very successful. I was chasing what I thought I should be chasing which was job security and status and that just isn’t going to fulfill you long term. There was one day in particular where we had a video crew coming out to film us for a commercial and I remember having this thought of “if I’m in this commercial I will stay at this job for the rest of my life”. At that moment I realized that I needed to make a change so 20 minutes before that crew got there I resigned from the firm, asked for no residuals and signed the ada’s, all to take a huge leap of faith and start cicospace.com. Without funding, without security.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Ya absolutely, my name is Aaron if we hadn’t figured that out by now. I’m born and raised Phoenix AZ and I own a brand awareness firm called cicospace.com. We started as a mentorship helping companies get in front of more people and making them look credible when they do get in front of those new people. It evolved from there to eventually what we are known for which is our “CICO Unlimited” which allows for unlimited website design, press releases, social media consulting, video editing, etc. all for a flat subscription. We take a very casual approach to business which allows for personal connection between the company and our clients.
Can you open up about how you funded your business?
I actually didn’t go the typical funding route. That might have been easier but I fully believe in being fully in on what ever you are doing. I took all the money I had saved for retirement and took a bet on myself. I think there’s something to be said in believing in something so much you are personally willing to lose everything to make it happen.
Can you open up about a time when you had a really close call with the business?
I love these kind of stories because it really shows both sides of trying to chase dreams, whether that being starting a business or any other dream you might have. My “almost didn’t make it” story was about 10 months into the business. I had drained all of my savings, I had picked up a few clients but bills just were coming in faster. I was driving uber at night and donating plasma and was still short on funds. I had about two weeks to figure something out or the company would’ve gone under.
It’s hard to believe this until you are put in this situation but nothing grows you as a person and as a business owner more than discomfort. I zoned in, was intentional with how I spent every second of those two weeks and in the last few days we picked up a client that would not only save the company but would end up being one of my biggest referral sources.
Not every day since then has been fun and the stress doesn’t go away but there’s something to say about someone that doesn’t allow for a plan b.
Contact Info:
- Website: cicospace.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aaron_knipp/?hl=en
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/82288255/admin/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/aaroncicospace
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHuUHuw3FMh7g9hZZ56GMA
Image Credits
n/a all mine