Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Beth Ann Kaib. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Beth Ann, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Naming anything – including a business – is so hard. Right? What’s the story behind how you came up with the name of your brand?
I had an idea and a vague plan of attack. What I didn’t have, a business name. Still healing from leaving an abusive marriage, I didn’t want to use my name. The mission in life and business…finding me. Like many other human beings looking for validation and support, I turned to Facebook for their opinion. I did not say it was a healthy option. After posting and asking my Facebook friends for words to describe me, I was over whelmed. The responses were so encouraging and uplifting. Though I felt warm and fuzzy inside and was so appreciative of the kind words, it was not what I was looking for.
At this moment, I realized I was grieving my identity of self and searching for who I am now. In addition to a fresh divorce, I had just walked away from my career where I provided Occupational Therapy services to special needs children while they were mounted on a horse. This epiphany occurred while my kid and I were traveling across the country in a travel trailer. We were on a mission to rebuild ourselves. I recruited my teenager to help. On the only full length mirror in the trailer, we started writing words.
This started as such an easy task. The list consisted of familiar words such as horses, mom, children, kids, pediatrics, therapy, riding, and several variations of these words. Did I mention my new adventure was helping inspiring entrepreneurs to launch their businesses and build websites? What the heck did these words have to do with business? NOTHING. We try again without removing the first list of words. This time we add who I am now on the right side of the mirror. I had to dig deep and rely heavily on my teenager for this one. The words cowgirl and nomad aligned. In true fashion as to how I do things, I read it backwards. Nomadic Cowgirl was born. A representation of who I have become and a reminder of who I am deep in my soul.
My business name tells you absolutely nothing about what I do in my business. Everyone told me I was crazy to use this name. The results, everyone remembers me! I’m unique and leave an impression. They automatically suspect that I have a strong work ethic from the cowgirl portion of my name. The nomadic portion implies that I am adventurous and think outside the box. Both meanings are absolutely true and prevalent.
By being true to myself and reflecting who I am in my business, I attract my desired clients.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Beth Ann and I help inspiring entrepreneurs build a solid foundation to launch their businesses. I have always been a serial entrepreneur. I love the big, audacious, unicorn dreams and fine details related to starting businesses. I would create a successful business, achieve the dream and then it would fizzle out. You get out of your business what you put in. After the challenge and thrill of building the business, setting everything up, and dreaming all of the big dreams, I became bored. The thrill was gone.
After seeing my friends struggle and hearing horror stories about the money they spent or had stolen in setting up a business, I had to jump in. I had a fire burning deep inside me and I was happy to help. One day a friend told me she loved me for the all the help, didn’t know what she would have done without me and wanted to pay me for my services. Pay me? I had so much fun and she wanted to pay me? I decided to start my own business once again. This time my business would be helping other people start their businesses.
It didn’t take me long to realize what a big need this was. While the big businesses can hire expensive lawyers and specialized consultants to handle their complex business needs, the future small businesses were left behind or in deep debt. I was on a mission. We all have a purpose on this planet and I don’t think a lack of finances should prevent you from sharing your purpose.
My goal is to help you achieve your big, audacious, unicorn dreams without breaking your bank. Along the way I plan to inspire you to reach farther than you though you could!
How do you keep in touch with clients and foster brand loyalty?
I love my clients! I don’t want to be THAT business, reconnecting for new income opportunities. When helping businesses launch or relaunch, I feel vested in their success. I like to check in on my clients and see how they are doing. I ask if I can help in any way, promote their business when possible, and I send Christmas presents! My clients were often in a vulnerable place at some point while we were working together. Starting a business is tough stuff. More often than not, I build a relationship with my clients. When that happens, I honor it.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
Establishing trust. I have heard so many stories of people spending thousands of dollars on horrible websites. The saying you get what you pay for doesn’t hold true in so many ways. I furnished a contract that my clients sign before we start working together. In this contract I lay out the terms and conditions that allows the client to see my expectations. These include things such as material I create for you belongs to you (unless you don’t pay me), I expect half of the payment up front and half upon completion so we both have buy in, and you are allowed two minor revisions within six months after completion. This contract establishes trust and shows that I am not just here to earn a quick buck. Establishing this trust and relationship has lead to so many referrals from my clients. I have been on lead platforms to initially start my business and during dry times. The majority of my clients are referrals though.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @nomadiccowgirl
- Facebook: @nomadiccowgirl
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