Establishing your own firm or practice is an incredibly daunting task. From myriad of legal and regulatory hurdles to the financial and career related risks, professionals who choose to start their own firm have to overcome so much and so we wanted to reach out to those who’ve done it successfully for advice, insight and stories.
Emily Morehead
When we decided we wanted to take a risk and open The Couch Therapy we knew that there was a need in the community for inclusive care. Meaning come as you are, who ever you are and whatever you believe you are safe, seen and heard in our practice. The passion for being a spot in the community that offered holistic inclusive care helped us push through during the early building days and the beginning of the pandemic. Pivoting became laughable because all of our plans during the early COVID days required change and flexibility. It has caused us to build our practice more flexibility, Read more>>
Sheva Pekar
I’ve been working in the cannabis industry for seven years. From the beginning I was in the operational leadership of getting other peoples brilliant ideas off the ground. I took their dreams and made it into dollars and value and quality. After many years of doing this, and recognizing that in the end, it was never helping me grow and supporting finding my place and my power in leadership, I had to walk away from those that took advantage of my raw talent and didn’t want to help me mold my own path. Read more>>
Robert Bergman
I decided to start my own company out of pure boredom from retirement. I was on a flight back from DC and I was sitting next to an attorney who had just completed several hours representing a client in mediation. He explained that it was a waste of time and mired in emotional reactions instead of logic. I explained my background and work in international standards, where dozens of engineers from dozens of countries had to agree on technical solutions. Read more>>
Buddy Detzel
Since graduating with my Masters in Counseling over a decade ago, I always knew I wanted to go into private practice, but I needed to build up some of my skills (and confidence) before I finally took the leap in 2019 and left my job as a hospital administer to open Authentic Therapy Solutions full time. The first step I took was registering my business with the state and then it was on to find office space. I was lucky enough to have an office sharing arrangement about 20 minutes from my house and I stayed there for over a year. By early 2020 I moved to my current space near the Galleria mall where I see 30-35 clients a week. Read more>>
Jeanette Wagner
I had just moved over to the states, now 4.5 years ago, leaving my busy London life and career behind, to start my new life with my husband. I was still in the middle of my immigration process, which meant I wasn’t allowed to work nor drive anywhere, so essentially I was just waiting for my husband to come home, which was a 360 from the life I had in London, and I became very negative and somewhat depressed. It was at my rock bottom, I decided to start my lifecoaching business, as a way to save myself and for me to have something to focus on in this new country and daily life I found myself in. Read more>>
Katie Mann
I opened my practice, Curated Medical, about a year ago and there have been a lot of ups and downs! I am very good at my job (cosmetic treatments like Botox and filler) but opening a business was a brand new experience. I have always had a vision of where I want to go, but was having a hard time figuring out what steps to take to get there. Finally, a friend referred me to my business coach, Olenka Cullinan. I was skeptical at first because I had never used any type of coaching service like this, Read more>>