We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Dina Thomas. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Dina below.
Hi Dina, thanks for joining us today. Too often the media represents innovation as something magical that only high-flying tech billionaires and upstarts engage in – but the truth is almost every business owner has to regularly innovate in small and big ways in order for their businesses to survive and thrive. Can you share a story that highlights something innovative you’ve done over the course of your career?
I spent the first 30+ years of my life training in the Arts. I have my BA in Theater Arts, my MFA in Acting and have dedicated my life to being an actor. And I love it, don’t get me wrong, it’s literally been my LIFE’S passion…but when Covid hit, I knew I needed to shift.
With a young baby at home, I knew I had to try and push myself to try and find something that could work outside of my comfort zone. I was scared, nervous about how to help support our family and was at a loss of when theater was ever going to come back!
It was then I made the shift to Real Estate. I did research, began my process and within 6 weeks was licensed and beginning my career. Now, almost 2.5 years later, I’m so honored and feel lucky to be an active business owner in Real Estate, while also getting the opportunity to act (just wrapped up Much Ado at Shakespeare Theatre) and be a Mom to my amazing 3.5 year old daughter and the other on the way! I feel proud of myself for shifting and being innovative in that sense, but also really lucky that I was presented with opportunities and people who were willing to take a risk on me!
My biggest takeaway is wanting to bust the stigma that because you’re a Mom, you can’t have ambition or strong business aspirations. I love my family and I love my clients, my business and am working on myself. I want to keep that going!
Dina, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a real estate agent with RLAH @Properties Real Estate licensed in MD-DC-VA. I work with EVERYONE! Buyers, sellers, renters, landlords, developers – you name it! I have a super soft spot with first time home buyers as we recently purchased our first home and I love the opportunity to help people realize their homeownership dreams! I feel so privileged that over 50 families have trusted me to help them in the journey and many of them remain dear friends today (one client has even become our childcare!) I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet more clients who will ultimately become friends!
I’m also an actor here in DC having worked at Shakespeare Theater, Studio Theatre and Theatre J. I just wrapped up Much Ado About Nothing and pre-pandemic was in The Wanderers at Theatre J and Cry it Out at Studio. I absolutely LOVE to perform and to tell stories! I hope to continue to perform for years to come.
What I feel sets me apart from others is that I try to meet whoever I’m working with, whether it’s another actor or a new real estate client with my AUTHENTIC self in order to meet THEIR authentic self. It’s the only way I’ve found to have really strong connections that transcend the normal day to day. I look for the connection and especially after Covid have found myself shifting my business even more towards that human relationship.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
For me, it’s been a really slow build. I manage my social all on my own and I really enjoy it! Whether it’s reels, posts, BTS of my family or my day to day. I love giving people a little glimpse into my normal. I also think it gives you an opportunity to really show people who you are. I’ve connected with amazing charities, amazing Moms, amazing realtors…all through the power of social media.
For those just starting…my biggest advice is JUST BE YOU. And start small! It can seem so daunting…it can seem scary. But, even if it’s just a little tidbit here and there, do it. Don’t be afraid. People are relatable. Sometimes my most watched videos are when I have no makeup, my hair’s a mess, my daughter is climbing on me and I’m just jumping in to talk about mortgage rates. We’re ALL human, we’re all people. It’s okay to just be you.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
For me it’s being the power of word of mouth. Goes back to what your mom always said right? “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” Yes, social media has DEFINITELY helped me with my reach, but whether it be through my acting and meeting directors, other actors, producers, casting directors who have then gone on to help me get more acting jobs or real estate clients that I’ve been fortunate enough to work with who have passed me info to their friends or family…for me it’s been word of mouth.
There are SO many ways to build a business, but for me personally, as I said earlier in my answers, human connection…making and creating a relationship has been the more important and beneficial for my personal business growth in the many aspects of my life.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dbtrealtor/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dina.thomas.7771/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dina-thomas-58046225b/
Image Credits
Meghan Cavanaugh Photography/DJ Corey Photography