We were lucky to catch up with Jasmine Tilman recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Jasmine thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Risking taking is a huge part of most people’s story but too often society overlooks those risks and only focuses on where you are today. Can you talk to us about a risk you’ve taken – it could be a big risk or a small one – but walk us through the backstory.
When I took the leap of faith to take a job out of state when I never been anywhere other than my home town before. I never flew a plane nor have I ever been on my own. But when Jehovah wants you to get out into the world he will allow you to bite the apple of freedom with both eyes closed.
Jasmine , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My name is Jasmine Tilman author name (J.R. Tilman), I am a child of God, daughter, sister, auntie and CEO of Infinitely Authentic Enterprises. Which my company offers Life coaching services, Speaking engagements, and self publishing knowledge. My company offers proper knowledge and benefits from using Al technology to develop a great product that can provide the best quality and the highest level of knowledge possible for your business. From writing guides that offers support to helping you overcome the challenges of writers block when creating your work. Even if you have not started to write book our support guides and Al tools help our clients achieve their goals. We also offer women empowerment courses to support women who are looking for help in their daily lives and need an extra push to find/make their careers successful and sustainable.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
One thing I had to unlearn was living in my trauma. There’s no secret that all people around America suffer from mental health problems that can lead to depression and anxiety. But on the other hand there is other people who found themselves no longer allowing their past to drown their futures out. I am one of those people. It took al most a year to stop allowing the effects of my childhood to disrupt the great future I have but one thing that started my peace was hunger. The hunger and ambition I have to win is breathtaking. I even lost a brother a year ago but I know that life is not going to stand still with my crying and standing in one spot. I actually took what he said to me and used it for fuel for my future. I also began to use prayer as a guide through life. The closer I got to Jehovah the more my life began to turn up. Realizing that I have all the necessary tools inside of me to create and manifest the exact life that is already written is a major reason for my success.
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
I actually have a specialty guide specifically built to build your social media presence and networks on any social media platform of your choosing. A few months before I traveled from my hometown I deleted my Facebook account with all of my hometown folks on it and rebranded myself to focus on the person and mindset I was meant to be in that moment. I added individuals who were or trying to become the person I was meant to be. After a while of taking my career being two years later now. I have a good following on both Facebook and TikTok and can grown any account I put my attention into.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.infinitelyauthentic.com
- Instagram: author_j.r._tilman23
- Facebook: Jasmine Tilman
- Linkedin: Jasmine Tilman
- Twitter: @TilmanJasmine
Image Credits
Jasmine Tilman