We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Mary Beth Simón. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Mary Beth below.
Hi Mary Beth, thanks for joining us today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of communities and neighborhoods. The pandemic exposed why it’s essential for business owners to have strategies in place that help them navigate the unexpected.
Niche Partnership Consulting’s mission is to strengthen the resilience of small businesses and families and lessen the struggle experienced during difficult times.
In 2016, one of my closest friends was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She asked me if she didn’t survive, would I be willing to guide her husband through the finances and her retiree benefits. I agreed and asked her to show me what was going on so I would be prepared. That must have been a step too far because we never had that chat.
She passed away in 2018, and I spent three months working with her husband several hours a week while still working full-time in corporate,
That’s when I realized that we all could do a better job preparing for the unexpected.
Mary Beth, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
During 30+ years in corporate financial services, I dreamt of creating a business as a post-retirement career. I couldn’t imagine what that business would be.
In 2016, I decided to retire at the end of 2018, then learned of my close friend’s serious health diagnosis. It was such a sad and emotional time. It was entirely unexpected that this challenging time would contain the seed of a new business idea.
One day, after helping my friend’s husband deal with all the accounts and corporations that needed to be addressed, I came home exhausted and frustrated. I told my husband how difficult it was. He said, “Who will help me if you die first?”
That’s when I realized he would be in the same situation as my friend’s husband if I died first, and I began documenting the processes I created to help my friend’s husband.
Creating contingency plans for my family and my husband’s business made me realize I was passionate about helping business owners better prepare for the unexpected.
When the global pandemic happened in 2020, it seemed to slow the progress of my naciente business. Gone were all the in-person networking and speaking events.
The unexpected upside of the pandemic was quickly expanding from a local client base to working with nationwide clients virtually. There was no need to “sell” the value of a virtual service since it was our only option.
Fast forward to 2023, business owners and families know why contingency plans are essential. Most of my clients are mental health private and group practice owners these days. Clients are typically female business owners between 35 and 55.
During the pandemic, I invested in creating a signature talk, and last summer hosted a highly-attended session at a national conference. Speaking on podcasts and at conferences is my favorite marketing strategy.
One of the best parts about this business is being able to keep the memory of my friend alive by sharing her stories and helping people with strategies developed through her challenges.
Can you open up about how you funded your business?
When my business started gaining traction, people often asked, “Do you wish you had done this sooner?”
Having grown up in poverty and on welfare, raised by a single mother and then a single stepmother, my top priority was achieving financial security and independence.
Spending decades in corporate America is challenging and, at times, stifling; for me, it was the vehicle for achieving my financial goals that have, since retiring, afforded me the luxury of bootstrapping my business.
Starting a business is a slow and risky proposition. Add a global pandemic within the first year, and a service everyone needs that no other company offers.
So I don’t wish I had opened this business sooner. I’m glad I focused on financial security first and thrilled to have the opportunity to grow, create and serve through my post-retirement career.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
The fascinating part of finding and growing my audience is podcasters’ role in my journey.
Before retiring from corporate, I occasionally listened to podcasts.
Some of my first clients came from podcaster’s masterminds, being on their podcasts and being recommended by podcasters to speak at conferences.
I have found the podcast community to be tight-knit, supportive, and a resource that has propelled my business.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://nichepartnershipconsulting.net/
- Instagram: @nichepartnershipconsulting
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nichepartnership
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-beth-simon-npc/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtMlw0VyLexEd-cr4fpvqg
Image Credits
Photos by Heike Martin Photography