We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Brandon Lirio a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Brandon thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. If you had a defining moment that you feel really changed the trajectory of your career, we’d love to hear the story and details.
I remember I was in the military and deciding if I wanted to continue my career there or move to a different phase in my life. After a great workout on shift, I saw a young Airman really struggling on his deadlift. i went over and spent 30 mins going over proper form and out of that session, his lift went up 30%. As we finished, I felt this immense sense of satisfaction to see him so happy. At the same time I was getting a call from work that a briefing needed to take place and I had to return to the unit. I was instantly filled with this sense of sadness because I would rather be helping this young kid lift. I knew at that moment I was mentally out of the armed services and in on lifting as a career.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
I grew up the small kid in school and even joined the military only weighing 117lbs. Id never stepped in a gym before my 19th birthday and thought id always be the skinny guy. I met a buddy of mine who is an MMA champion who showed me around the gym and I could not get enough. It was always just for general fitness but I began to see bodybuilders as a goal of mine. A friend of mine helped convince me to give bodybuilding a try and I played like I wasnt nervous but man was I ever. After my competition life started in 2012, I got my certifications to start coaching and found my true calling. Still active duty, I decided halfway through my second enlistment how much joy competing and bringing others to the stage made me feel and decided this was my true calling. Since then I have traveled the world with fitness and become a multiple time cover model and graced the cover of the iconic Iron Man Magazine Last year! I have been Mr. Natural Olympia 3x , Mr Natural Universe twice, and I have helped hundreds of people around the world achieve their dreams both on stage and off through my coaching company Battleground Fitness. I also dabble in strong man and power lifting and now have my own video series on YouTube called the World Strongest (Every) Man to show others you dont have to be the biggest to be strong, and a fitness centric podcast called ‘The U-Natty States of America’ where I discuss topics of sport from a natural athlete prospective.
Other than training/knowledge, what do you think is most helpful for succeeding in your field?
The ability to admit you are wrong and own it. I cant tell you how many people who have worked for me or who I have worked for that had they just admitted their fault or mistake and been willing to learn from it, all parties would have had a handshake and just moved on. The ones who fight it and fight hard even though they know they are wrong or made the mistake only are trying to serve the purpose of proving they are somehow perfect and everyone else needs to emulate them. No one is perfect and everyone should know its better to own the mistake and learn instead of posture up thinking people will eventually just give up. The way through is always the truth.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
By teaching those who want to be like you or follow in your footsteps that its NOT all about grinding 7 days a week and never slipping on the diet or missing training. In my field, social media has built this hustle culture narrative that the harder you grind and the more you work, the more successful you will be and that feeling tired or needing help with your mental health is a sign of weakness. Thats all bunk and you need to understand when your brain, body and mental state are asking for breaks and take them. Take them even before you red line… and take them often! Take them with people who love and support you and dont see enough of you. Hustle only as hard as you need to to chase your dreams and sometimes that means 60 hour days 7 days in a row… but some days it means knowing when to stop doing that and take a breather. Hustle Hard, Rest hard, Succeed Harder.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.bgfitonline.com // www.BGNutritionCenter.com
- Instagram: @BGF_Lirio // @BGN_CT
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrandonLirioEliteAthlete/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjfuPgbfyjZwflFoi485jw
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/battleground-nutrition-center-cromwell-cromwell-2
Image Credits
@Hienprojects // @Banstudios