We were lucky to catch up with Alicia Nicole recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Alicia , thanks for joining us today. What do you think it takes to be successful?
Way more then what I thought from the outside looking into other’s lives for sure lol .I think it takes a ton of faith in your vision .I think it takes a lot of push to keep going when you can’t even see what’s ahead of you ..just the vision.I know it takes sacrifice and sleepless nights.I’ve had a plethora of both ! I’ve went without so much to have what I need to pursue my passion.Which Ultimately became all I needed in the long run anyways .
Alicia , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My brand and business is fully created off of the two things I’m most passionate about here in this realm of life . Veganism And Body Art. Becoming a vegan changed my mind ,my body ,my soul in such an enlightened way .Body Art Is Something I have been able to help people feel happy again ,pretty again ,and healed with ..so combining those two loves is how we got Alicia Nicole Studio®️vegan BodyArt.
Where all of our tattoo inks and BodyArt products are 100% PlantBased .
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
Being a business owner requires you to be knowledgeable in life and in your field .On my free time I love to read !Its a high I can’t explain lol kind of wondered why it took me so long to pick up a book the day that I did .One of my favorite book to succeed in life and business is “Outwitting The Devil “By Napoleon Hill.The Bible of course and my own book of life since we are our own story that writes itself .Nothing teaches us better then our own experiences but it’s so much fun reading about others !
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
I remember when I was working from sun up to sun down to grow someone else dreams .It left my pockets full of cash but it left my soul empty !I would be thinking about creating artwork and bringing my visions to life the whole shift lol .Totally in my own world and In my own head .I couldn’t even be present on the clock because I had visions telling me quit constantly.I wasn’t hearing God as quickly as he wanted and he had to give me who were wanting artwork while I was at work and when I got off …and drain my energy to be too tired to do it to finally make me here him say”QUIT”. I walked by faith for two years after that wake up call and without working for others .I have proudly survived each storm sent to drown me .
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @VibesofaliciaNicole__ @AliciaNicoleStudio_
- Yelp: Alicia Nicole Studio®️vegan Bodyart
Image Credits
Myself .Made And Still Make All My Content Personally