We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Tori Diaz. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Tori below.
Tori, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today We love heartwarming stories – do you have a heartwarming story from your career to share?
In Position For Transition: Transition Into Position I moved to Birmingham Alabama from Brooklyn Heights, New York originally 09/2011 living my life in darkness in the lesbian world after surviving Human Trafficking, i was treated poorly by the female in Ensley I starting working at the Assisting Living facility near Brookwood Medical Center I was soon introduced to a Transgender male (female to male) satan had me thinking this was ok he is male maybe God made a mistake? We attended The Worship Center where I felt safe in worship, however the moment we left campus he would begin to abuse me verbally and sexually his statement to me was “you were raped you should want to have sex all the time” in a matter of 3 months he cut my ties to family and friends 1700 miles away locked me in a closet for a few days when he let me out i went to work (thank goodness they allowed me to come back) i did not leave the facility i slept in the storage closet at work and got up at 4: a.m, took a shower and prepared myself for the day no one had any idea i was homeless 07/2013 i left and moved to Oklahoma City 10 hours from Birmingham Alabama where i met another transgender male at his church I gave my life to Christ then all Hades broke loose! God took me out the situation via domestic violence I was homeless but i found work and slept in my car until i moved into my apartment. Current day? 03/25/2019 I rededicated my life to Christ, God delivered me out of Lesbianism, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking and I now travel town to town using a rental car ministering to other women about domestic violence and human trafficking people call me crazy I DO NOT CARE! if i can reach just one more woman or child I want God to say “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL CHILD” Thank you for reading my story. Now my prayer is: God if it is not of you please remove it as far as the east is from the west and the sky is from the ocean in Jesus name AMEN! *****************************************************
i grew up in a culture where women do not speak we are covered from head to toe I was raped and sold into Human Trafficking from ages 6-16 raped by 16 people in my family my grandmother told me I was never going to be anything and put a mattress on my back by the time i was 24 years old with 4 children. I completed high school but with my last son while pregnant I had a cracked rib a bruised rib a cracked jaw and bruised jaw I turned to the dark side I became a body entertainer (exotic dancer), then I started entertaining men of power in and around Potomac, Maryland. Although I completed a Bachelors in Business Administration and a Bachelors in Television and Radio Broadcasting.. ME??? Man tells us who we are not , GOD tells us who we are “His Child” bed to bed & man to man i figured if someone was going to pimp me out it will be me ….$1,500.00 per hour I worked from 12:p-8p (I know right)? God kept away diseases and harm. One night I thought I heard the Holy Spirit call my whole name I cried and cried I did not think I had any tear ducts left! 20 years in darkness God delivered me out of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Prostitution, being a Lesbian, dating transgender men (Female to Male) sleeping with the enemy (ME)! October 2013 I surrendered my life to Christ January, 2019 I prayed to God if I am not to have a husband I am okay with working in the Ministry (Look At God) I met a Leader of a well known Mega Church in the south I did not see him as a husband just a prayer partner and doing street ministry March, 2019 when I said to God I am okay with being without a husband this Leader asked for my hand in marriage! We will be married July 02, 2019 in Chicago #LookAtGod …God does not want us to be alone or without anything …. God promised us everything and he has and he will do it! (in tears) Praise God .. Thank you for Reading … Be ever blessed may God send his angels to build a fence of protection around you in Jesus name AMEN! I travel from town to town and city to city telling other women they are loved by a older man 2000 years old and his name is …what? JESUS!
#DomesticViolence I remember the day I met my son’s father multi-racial: (German, Filipino, Irish, Cherokee Indian) Me: Dominican and Black. He promised my family he would take care of me. I was pregnant he told me he wanted to be in his sons life we were never married. He took me back to #BaltimoreMaryland – North Carey Street and Franklin? Saratoga about one block from Harlem Ave. The first couple of months were okay then everything became violent 7 months pregnant he cracked one rib bruised another, cracked one jaw and bruised another.
I saw my mother go through abuse and I vowed not to follow her lead this guy was tall, handsome, educated, funny, knew chivalry in every sense of the word. Once my son was born things got worse. My brothers found out about it and shot my son’s father. (he survived) the bullet went in and went out… my brothers did time for the crime I was floored why should they pay for my situation. I left him and eventually I went back to college: Morgan State University (HBCU) crossed over as Sorority Chapter Bachelors in Business Administration, Bachelors in Television and Radio Broadcasting, May 2018 I received my Doctoral in Health and Human Services. I now travel in a rental car letting other women now their self-worth. I have travel to 23 cities and small towns to share, witness and minister to other women and young ladies. We must stand in the gap for one another not just talk about women in these situations You will not know what it is unless you have been in the situation it does not start off as Domestic Violence it feels like a whirlwind
Born in North Carolina, (Asa) was raised by her grandmother for the better part of her life. B.C. (Before Christ) she was left 3 days old by her birth mother at the hospital. At around age 4 her birth mother returned to take her to New Jersey. Asa’s birth mother would subject her to the hands of many family members to be abused sexually by age 6, by age 8 her birth mother handed her over for $45,000.00 to Asa’s new handler in Human Trafficking. Ages 6 to about 10 Asa was passed from handler to handler.
There was a brief time where she thought she was safe until around age 13 when her birth mother would return and engage in the destructive life. Completing high school was the determination, Asa left the day after graduation for a somewhat better life in higher education but not leaving the learned life style of Human Trafficking. By the age 19, Asa was already entertaining Diplomats in the Nation’s Capital. By the age of 25, Asa had lived in the lower 48 states. 2013 was the renewal and restoration. Ezekiel Chapter 4 would tell most of the story….
While living in Perth Amboy New Jersey 6 years old …. yes 06 years old my female and male cousins raped me time after time ….. then moving to Ocean City Maryland 16 different men raped me …. i would pretend the clear door knobs were diamonds and one day my Prince would come …. silly right? i was told if I told anyone they would kill my grandmother and brother …. one day Mr. Billy Graham said if you want to be saved repeat after me ….. i thought i was waiting for me to be saved from the physical … but my spirit was saved the rapes lasted until i as 16 years old i was raped after cheer leading practice i was afraid to tell my grandmother i just let her think i went out and got with child … a social worker told her i was raped …. they raped my body but could not have my Yolk (my spirit) it always belonged to God satan-the devil-lucifer is a LIAR from the pit of hades I am a child of God …… I received my Doctoral May, 2018 when everyone said I would be nothing LOOK AT GOD!
>>>>This is why I chose this HealthCare area of Wellness and I have studied many courses and completed 2000-hours of clinicals and 500 hours of hands on services because I wanted to know and let other women know they are not alone and I want to walk with them as a Survivor of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence this means more to me than anyone knows I want to love on others until they can love on themselves! Peace and blessings SHALOM
Tori, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
As being a product of rape it was made known to me I was not wanted for being Dominican and Black my biological father was killed prior to my birth my birth mother gave me to my first handler by the age of 6 years old it kept being a business until I was age 16 however by this time I had developed a sense this is a REAL way to make money. BUT God had a different plan for my life as in Jerimiah.
We have solved may issues and concerns for women who could not other wise afford to have weight loss surgery or loose skin, or look like once upon a time. We make it simple pay as you go with 24/7 support for prayer and comfort.
We were made to stand out and apart via we love on women until they can love on themselves and it is not always how much we can make monetarily it is the final outcome of our patients seeing them in the after knowing the before journey.
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Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
We are worth more than our net worth. Our self worth is priceless!
Putting training and knowledge aside, what else do you think really matters in terms of succeeding in your field?
Finding out the Who, What, When, Where, How and the WHY. We never forget the “Y”
Contact Info:
- Website: https://victory-village-wellness-center-and-home-care.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
- Instagram: @practitionerdiazv
- Facebook: n / a
- Linkedin: N / A
- Twitter: muse323
- Youtube: KOFFE323
- Yelp: N / A
- Other: N / A
Image Credits
Picture Credits: By Tori Diaz