We recently connected with Robert Garrett and have shared our conversation below.
Robert, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Before we get into specifics, let’s talk about success more generally. What do you think it takes to be successful?
1. A strong desire to directly provide customers with a service and or product they need and of which you have expert knowledge on. 2. A strong work ethic and perseverance.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
My name is Robert Garrett. I was born and have lived my entire life in Houston. I’ve been married to Linda Garrett for almost 29 years. we have four children, two granddaughters and a grandson on the way.
I started in the electrical industry at Wood Electrical while still in high school. I worked there for ten years while attending technical classes at night. I received my master’s license and then started RMG Electrical in 1993 when I was 29 years old. We incorporated to RMG Electrical, Inc. in 1999.
My first customer was an offshore crane manufacturer, Coastal Hydraulic Cranes. This is where I developed my specialized skill set in motor controls, hazardous location wiring, automation and processor based controls which continues to increase with every new project. My skill set has advanced us to the front of motor controls and automation for the small to mid-size OEM where we design via CAD, build and program custom control panels, install skid wiring and FAT all in one shop. All wiring is installed by our state licensed electricians. Being fully licensed electrical contractors allows us to pull city permits and provide any and all facility upgrades required to meet our customers needs.
Today, 29 years later, we offer the specialized electrical services described above along with installation and repairs for all commercial and industrial facilities. Power, plugs, LED lighting, service installation and repairs.
You can read all about us on our website at www.rmgelectrical.com and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & LinkedIn.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
I mentioned earlier that perseverance was a necessity to starting and maintaining a business. No one goes out of business when business is going great. Businesses go out of business when business is going bad. Anyone can succeed when things are going well. The trick is to keep going when things out of your control are going wrong.
I have had so many losses during my 29 years of business but I refused to fail because of them. I chose to succeed despite them. The loss of my mother followed by my farther six months later during our first two years. Cash flow problems more times than I could count. 29 years of marriage will always come with ups and downs so there was always that. Most recently we suffered our most devastating loss, our 20 year old son Zachary passed away unexpectedly in September 2021. The point is we all suffer loss. You either keep pressing forward or you do not. If you want a reason to quit, life will always present the opportunity.
Where do you think you get most of your clients from?
Word of mouth has been and will always be the best source for new clients in the service industry. I work hard to develop relationships with all my customers. I’m always looking for ways to send my customers business. I’m always looking to see how we can help each other. I am always looking for mutually beneficial business relationships…
Contact Info:
- Website: www.rmgelectrical.com
- Instagram: rmgelectrical
- Facebook: RMG Electrical, Inc.
- Linkedin: robert m garrett
- Youtube: RMG Electrical, Inc.
- Yelp: RMG Electrical, Inc.