We were lucky to catch up with Rebecca Davis recently and have shared our conversation below.
Rebecca , appreciate you joining us today. The first dollar your business earns is always special and we’d love to hear how your brand made its first dollar of revenue.
Thinking back on that day, I will never forget, I did taxes for free for 2 years, I wanted to perfect my craft. I could not imagine a paying client at the time. I wanted to make sure I knew everything I needed to know to do it correctly. The day I got my first paying client, I got the call and I was afraid at first to tell the client I worked out of my home. Once I revealed that, the client was like ok where do I come ? I was so nervous. When the clients showed up a part of me felt like, This is going to be my first and last client. I rocked it, everything went so well, that client referred me 4 clients and I have been rocking and rolling every since.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Rebecca Davis, I am the Owner of TaxTyme Express Tax & Business Services, I started TaxTyme as a way to show people a better side to this industry, with so much fraud and dishonesty that comes with this industry, I wanted to do it differently, educate my clients, Give my clients something to smile about at Tax Time. What I love most about the business is that my clients can talk to me about anything and they do, Smile, I love to offer comfort to them. Some of the things that set me apart from the others in this industry is TRANSPARENCY. I do not hide anything from my clients including fees, and etc. I also give back, each year I do a back to school drive where I purchase school supplies, school clothes and backpacks for over 300 students, It warms my heart to give back, I am far from rich RIGHT NOW, but I truly believe to whom much is given much is required, no matter what. There are several things that I am most proud of, 1. My handsome son, in a world like the one we are living in, he managed to still grow up and be an awesome, hard-working man, great father and husband, He makes me so proud. I am also so very proud of my grandchildren, Darius Jr and Caleb they changed my life, they allowed me to feel a joy that can not be given to you. Last but not least I am SO PROUD OF ME, If you all knew what I have been through, what I have endured, but look where I am now, I will definitely write a book soon. I started my business from the ground up, no seed money, no investors, no financial assistance, I worked myself to the bones and I am still working hard to reach all of my goals.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
As a young girl, my great grandmother and my grandmother instilled in me that I was great, and to never forget it, they both start teaching me a lot at a young age, I read on higher levels, I understood things most adults did not at a young age, as I became a young adult, I always knew I wanted to leave my mark on the world. My mother was such a giver and that rubbed off on me big time.. Growing up I always saw the world through rose-colored glasses, I always thought everyone in the world were Good people, as I got older you can imagine my disappointment in finding out that was not the case. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, growing up we did not have a lot of money or things. Although I was a great person, I was kind and giving, I was not what most would call “popular” I always felt like an afterthought, I never understood why because, I have always thought I was great, Smile, my grandparents instilled that in me. I used to think to myself, ” How dare they pick me last in kickball” I am good at everything, Smile. That fueled a fire in me that nothing or no one could remove, It pushed me to be good at all things, it pushed me to make a name for myself. It pushed me to work so hard to start a business and be successful. Fast forward to now, It was a rough rough road, but I see the gold at the end of the rainbow, I do know one day I will be sitting on Ellen Degeneres’s show talking about my life, as well as OPRAH, I am going to be a very successful woman with a BRAND that will be known all over the world. Just watch!!
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
I had to learn, that you can not be everyone’s Hero, Everyone will not be YOU to YOU. Everyone will not treat you as you treat them.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.taxtymeexpress.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/taxtymeexpress
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/taxtymeexpress
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-davis-9b075078/
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/taxtyme-express-tax-and-business-services-mesquite?osq=Taxtyme