We were lucky to catch up with Logan V. Wright recently and have shared our conversation below.
Logan V., looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Day to day the world can seem like a tough place, but there’s also so much kindness in the world and we think talking about that kindness helps spread it and make the world a nicer, kinder place. Can you share a story of a time when someone did something really kind for you?
In this life I find it hard to find kind people who genuinely care about you and your goals and dreams The kindest thing anyone has ever done for me is believe in me. Believe that I could be something more than where I grew up.
I feel like my whole life I dreamed dreams; and a good friend of mine finally gave the the courage to make them come true!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Since I was a little girl; I’ve always wanted to own my own bakery. Growing up with my grandma constantly teaching me the ropes and ties to good cookies and giving me the wisdom to be a good chef. She always believed in me; so when she passed away a year ago it gave me more motivation to shoot for my dreams. Push harder towards my future.
Climbing the ropes to become successful takes a lot of self discipline, and self encouragement.
Though you can do everything on your own it’s much easier when you have good people by your side rooting you along the way.
One thing I’m going for with my cupcakes, cookies, pies, muffins, ect. Is quality. I want quality taste. All made from scratch. Something that makes you want to have another one.
When you take a bite of something I bake i want it to be something you’ll remember forever.
I get good quality by reaching out and trying new recipes. But sticking to the ones that always give me the best results.
It’s so fun to make cakes and cupcakes! To be a part of someone wedding, birthday. It’s something special. There is no birthday without a cake.
I’m the kind of person that takes on challenges in my baking. I don’t know everything and I can’t even begin to think about how much more I have to learn. But one thing I do is always expand my mind and take tips tricks and advice from those who are close to me.
I love when customers ask me what I can do, because my next question is well… “what do you want” because if I can I will make it my duty to make sure they get everything they want and hope for in a cake!
My grandma always told me the way to a heart is through the belly and I plan to spend every day for the rest of my life testing that theory.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
One of the biggest lessons I had to unlearn is that I don’t know everything. I need to take others advice and opinions because I don’t know everything.
I think failing is the best way to grow; but you are less likely to fail if you allow other people to share their wisdom with you.
When I first started shooting for my goals my boss at the time told me; Logan remember the people who have good advice. Listen to them. Have open ears because what they are saying might actually help you.
I think as a woman owned and operated company it’s easy to be hard headed. Cause come on let’s be honest. Most women are ALWAYS right regardless. Sometimes it’s okay to let go of the pride and take wisdom from others !
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
I carry my business cards everywhere with me. I’m constantly giving out treats to my children’s school teachers. I think I talk about my baking more than I talk about anything. I share it with everyone I meet in a genuine not pushy manner. I love going around and giving out freesamples to strangers with my business card.
Anything to get someone’s attention in a good way. Honestly this is how I built up most of my orders. I also have a very supportive church that shares these things with those they know.
The word of mouth will get you very far; so spread your words; share your story; and let them have a taste of what you have to offer! Everyone loves to know what they are getting themselves into before they sign up!
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